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HMT’s Annual Conference Highlights Impact in Dementia Research

As part of the Healthcare Management Trust (HMT), our financial surplus is used to create a positive impact in the areas of dementia care and health promotion.

Towards the end of last year, HMT held its latest annual conference to give an update on these areas and welcomed researchers, trustees and colleagues from across the organisation.

Directors and managers nominated 10 HMT staff members from all sites and departments to attend and learn more about how the organisation funds life-improving research and facilities.

St Hugh’s Hospital’s Director Ashley Brown and nine other colleagues joined representatives from HMT’s two care homes, Marie Louise House in Romsey and Coloma Court in West Wickham, as well as staff from our sister hospital Sancta Maria in Swansea.

The event was kicked off by HMT’s CEO Tony Barrett, who introduced many passionate speakers covering all areas of research and business.

Throughout the day, colleagues took part in sessions delivered by academics from various universities including the University of Leeds and the University of Sheffield, among others.

HMT’s Head of Operations for care homes, and one of its longest-serving employees, Mair Williams provided details and plans for the Dementia Framework – a system which upholds high standards of care for those living with dementia.

Anecdotes were shared by people who work directly with individuals and families caring for those with dementia and speakers emphasised the need for dementia care; every 3.2 minutes someone in the UK develops dementia, and that figure is set to double over the next 30 years.

The event offered staff from all corners of the organisation the chance to see the impact of its work and the wider scope of the problems it works to tackle.

Ashley said: “Sessions like these are instrumental in keeping our staff informed about the wider impact they make in their work.

“We’re working to build more of an awareness within HMT of the continued research and efforts made to broaden knowledge around dementia and how to treat those living with the condition.

“I’ve had some encouraging feedback from St Hugh’s staff following the conference; they are really interested in the information we fed back to them and say it makes them feel proud to be part of HMT, which is always moving to hear.

“The conference was also designed to thank HMT staff for their unrelenting hard work within this area of the trust.”

You can find out more about how HMT funds research into dementia by visiting: