Dr Akhtar Muhammad Nauman
Pain Clinics
Dr Akhtar Muhammad Nauman is a registered, qualified Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine Consultant in possession of the Fellowship of Faculty of Pain Management Royal College of Anaesthetists and Fellowship of the College of Anaesthetist Ireland(FCAI). He also hold Associate Fellowship for College of Intensive Care Medicine (AFICM) and membership of Royal College of Anaesthetist (MRCA).
He is currently working as a Consultant in Anaesthesia, Intensive care and Pain Medicine at Hull University teaching Hospital and NLAG NHS foundation trust. His clinical commitments include regular sessions in Intensive care and Anaesthesia at Scunthorpe General Hospital and Pain theatres and Clinics at Castle Hill Hospital.
He did my 5 year Anaesthesia specialty training in Yorkshire and was rotated to both district general and teaching hospitals. He was assessed by multiple supervisors in those years and received exceptional comments on my multi source feedback from both clinical and educational supervisors as well as other allied speciality colleagues. He got signed off for my advance pain training after attending pain clinics and performing nearly 500 pain medinine interventions. He also passed my FFPMRCA which is an internationally validated and recognised Pain Medicine exam during my advance year. He finished my speciality training with CCT in 2018.