Healthcare workers of the future
Learning about how a hospital works is part of a work experience scheme at St Hugh’s Hospital, offering a glimpse ‘behind the scenes’ for Year 10 school pupils.
We recently welcomed teenagers into the hospital to provide valuable insights into what a career in healthcare can offer. The pupils had the opportunity to visit different departments and work alongside our teams.
Esme Jones was one of the pupils taking part. She said: “During my week’s work experience at St Hugh’s Hospital, I visited the ward, physiotherapy, reception, medical records, appointments, outpatients/pre-assessments, endoscopy and radiology. I learned about how the hospital works, the types of patients who attend, and how files are stored.
“My favourite part of the week was in radiology. I am interested in becoming a plastic surgeon. I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped me – I really enjoyed my time there.”
Carrying out work experience during Year 10 of secondary school is a practice that’s taken place for many years, and St Hugh’s is proud to be able to offer placements.

From left: Mags – Clinical Educator, Esme – Work experience student, Cathy – Ward Clark and Lucy – Deputy ward manager